
At Alta Schoolhouse, we are inspired by the Montessori method.

We believe in a child-centered educational approach that focuses on developing the whole child – their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development.


Our classrooms are peaceful, happy spaces that encourage independence, exploration, problem solving and experimentation.

Classroom learning materials are aesthetically pleasing to the eye and thoughtfully chosen to attract and engage students. The materials are designed to simplify abstract concepts, isolate one skill at a time, develop fine motor skills and provide hands-on learning.


Alta’s curriculum highlights multiple areas of study including practical life, sensorial, language, mathematics, and cultural studies, which includes geography, history, science, music and art. Students will learn in a whole group, collaborate with classmates, and work independently.

Practical Life

The skills children learn through Practical Life lessons build a foundation for future success in the classroom and beyond. The lessons introduced help children with fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and build concentration. Children are taught not only how to care for themselves, but the environment around them which gives them a sense of independence and self-confidence.


In the sensorial area, children have an opportunity to work with objects and tools that engage their five senses. Materials in this area make space for open-ended learning, which leads to more creative thinking as children do not have a prescribed way that they must interact with objects. These items are attractive for the child to look at, that they can pick up and manipulate and they are free to make associations as they like, improving their ability to think for themselves.


Children are exposed to concrete materials first and work towards abstract mathematical concepts. Children begin with objects they can hold in their hands and are symbolic of something else, such as a number. The symbolism changes over time until the child is ready to let go of the materials and find solutions on paper or even in their head.


Our language curriculum is designed to allow children to learn at their own pace. Children are first introduced to the letter sounds rather than the letter names. Starting with phonemic awareness lays the foundation for effective communication. As they build upon that foundation the focus shifts to creating words and sentences, then reading and writing skills.


This area includes geography, science, history, music, and art. It provides children initial exposure to many areas of knowledge that they will encounter throughout life, enabling them to develop an early interest in learning about the world around them. It helps children understand concepts that unify different people and communities.


We partner with local programs to provide extracurricular activities to our students during our Academic Day. They change by the semester so that we can offer a variety of programs that meet our students interests.

Daily Schedule


Morning Daycare. Students will enjoy independent activities.


Independent play. Students will work on materials on the shelves as teachers supervise and help welcome all students to the classroom.


Academic Day begins. We start each day around the circle time rug, where teachers discuss activities for the day and lead group lessons.


Work Cycle. Students will choose activities at tables or a mat on the floor. They will work independently and in small groups with teachers.


Lunch and Playtime.


Nap/Rest Time.


Work Cycle 2. This period of work time is supervised by teachers while students work independently or with peers.


Academic Day Dismissal. We end our day as it began, at the circle time rug recapping the activities and lessons learned throughout the day.


Afternoon Daycare. Students will enjoy snack outdoors, the playground, and rotating indoor activities.


Final Dismissal